Saturday, April 27, 2013


I managed to eat yesterday, though not really close to what I used to eat before:
- two sticks of gum
- half of a medium fry... which would be 1 small fry, right? My stomach hurt before I could finish, I assume it was gluten, I don't know.
- three hard boiled eggs

A lot more than I ate in the last few days, ja.

I need to keep myself in a realistic point of view when it comes to this new endeavor. I can dream all I want, but I must not 'count my chickens before they hatch' in case I dream of doesn't come true. I don't know how this could work out. I could some acting no body or a well known b-lister (TV actress). I just need to remember the goals that push me to this and remember that those goals come first. Activism comes first to me. Acting is to support my activism, my fun, my escape.

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