Friday, April 26, 2013


All I ate yesterday:
- a pickle
- a strawberry
- a couple spoonfuls of jello

Then my stomach said no more, despite the pains I was still having. Oh freaking joy *sarcasm*. Honey wants to come over today and if he notices this pattern, he'll be ever so worried.

Honey said he wanted to make peanut butter cookies... my goodness, to force myself to eat what I normally would, would be torture. Still, I'm going to have to fake it so I don't worry him. Having more diarrhea, I think it has to do with the little I've been eating.

Oh by the way, Mom agreed to pay for acting lessons. Hopefully I can be a TV starlet and work on the shows I dream of being on. The day I meet Mariska, Misha, or even Danielle, would be a dream come true for me. I love them, in a non creepy fan girl sort of way.

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